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#942 [名無しさん]
How do you feel right now?
What makes you laugh ? Is it when you watch comedy show?
Who makes you laugh? Is she or he here right now? What are being jolly? Let me answer your entire questions in a short while

⏰:13/07/14 21:13 📱:iPhone 🆔:6JnoViJw

#943 [名無しさん]
We know that the positive person smiles and laughs. Research shows that laughing decreases stress and its a fact that we are more or less stressed by something as Long as we live. There is nothing hurtful to our health than stress. In addition , laughing aloud is more effective. While we are laughing , we usually feel fun , and as a result we can feel pleasant and everything is light then we can think right.

⏰:13/07/15 01:47 📱:iPhone 🆔:3dQn4oA6

#944 [名無しさん]
ねむいけどおぼえなきゃ(T . T)

⏰:13/07/15 19:51 📱:iPhone 🆔:3dQn4oA6

#945 [名無しさん]

⏰:13/07/22 00:47 📱:iPhone 🆔:vDf1jwOA

#946 [名無しさん]
かぜひいた/ _ ;

⏰:13/07/31 22:40 📱:iPhone 🆔:VzF5PLnY

#947 [名無しさん]

⏰:13/08/22 01:06 📱:iPhone 🆔:bgDdeP.6

#948 [名無しさん]

⏰:13/09/06 21:22 📱:SO-02E 🆔:fI7vELho


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